
Based on a tree structured

The management app gathers information from all the elements, being able to record the evolution of the relevant parameters of the rooms in relation to HVAC and lighting. It also collects the information related to possible system malfunctions or alarms.

General Architecture

General architecture


Arquitectura Sala

All the necessary subnets are deployed from the main computer through TCP/IP communications, and from these, the RS-485 necessary networks to connect with all the room control units of the system.

Arquitectura Sala

Local Installation


To guarantee that a room operates independently it is necessary a minimum of elements. The system must have the following ROSS elements: from 1 to 8 Ross items (sensor units / remote controls), 1 room control unit, local management equiment and 1 USBLE.


- Minimum installation of ROSS items
- Quick room installation
- Reduced initial cost

What installation should I choose?
Local or integrated

Local installation is recommended to manage a small number of rooms with faster installation. On the other hand, if you are looking for a complete management of multiple rooms, including data and event collection, display of warnings and alarms and a scalable system, the integrated installation is the one that best meets these needs.

Instalación Integrada

Integrated Installation

Integrated Installation

Integrated installation is the complete installation of the system, with all the functionalities of ROSS system.


- Data gathering installation
- Configuration quick management
- View of the installation status
- Generation of current situation status

- Historical events
- Alarm and warnings generation
- Easy scalability of the system


- Need for computer equipment for centralized management of the system
- Wiring installation to connect rooms

BMS integration

Architecture based on database offers integration possibilities with other building’s systems, such as for example alarms or BMS.
The following diagram shows direct BMS integration thanks to this database based architecture.

BMS integration

Room occupancy information can be integrated with building’s BMS, this will be used for centralized systems management, such as for example HVAC. In order to ease communication of the data obtained by the ROSS system, an additional service has been developed based on the Modbus protocol.

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